Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Theory of Everything That Matters

I tend to wonder about the people who claim to "love" science. Do they actually mean that they enjoy the fruits of other people's study of science, or are they active thinkers in facts, theories, experimentation and logic? Sometimes I feel that some are simply trying to politically aggravate the people who have an active faith in God. In any case, science is truly an abundantly useful and necessary human creation. However, the explanation of "everything" in a single elegant mathematical equation is certainly ambitious, yet perhaps foolhardy. I claim this not only as a Christian or a social scientist, but as a humble singular note in a symphony of millenia. Indeed, my Theory of Everything That Matters will serve us even better than the best explanation of the story of all existence based upon a stated starting point in the infinity of time - not as a repudiation of science or facts, but as a complement to what we already think we know as well as an alteration of perspective.

There are many certainties (pardon my audacity, Ben Franklin) in life. This is not to say that they are infinitely durable or constant, but for the period of time in which I am interested (now until the foreseeable future), consider the following as truths:

There is light, and there is dark. There is and always will be right now as well as the past. Actions are caused by other actions, and certain conclusions necessarily follow. Circumstances will occur that do not seem fair. As long as humans walk the earth there will be conflict, love, and conscience. We all are born, and we all will pass. Our planet is merely a small piece of creation, yet somehow our decisions matter and can affect the universe outside of ourselves. Balance is the result of more than one force interacting with each or one another. Change will always occur due to variables in the equation, yet many of these variables can be predicted to some degree of accuracy. Evil exists. Life has a profound tendency to persevere as well as destroy.

The phenomenon of everything is rather broad and reaches beyond what any human could possibly understand. Everything that matters is only relevant as long as there are thinking rational beings to whom such affects. For instance, some catastrophe could destroy all life on Earth tomorrow, leaving no one left to care if my theory is actually correct. Absent said catastrophe, it is fair to say that everything that matters is the aggregate of human choices in their natural world. We ought not conclude necessarily that everything happens for a reason, because that presupposes a very personal attachment to the outcome, when in actuality every event is part of a larger movement toward equilibrium. The enlightened human - whether through travel, study, or affairs of the heart - realizes that the world is so much bigger than oneself. Armstrong, Einstein, King, and Shakespeare all made discoveries that contributed to the enlightenment of the human race, and all were catalysts granting the opportunities for positive movements in the world.

Everything that matters is a direct result of action by variables that have a choice over the constants that can be measured by mathematical analysis. For instance, when a certain amount of rain falls, it loosens the ground which triggers the falling of a boulder via the force of gravity down the given trajectory of a hillside to crush a car traveling at a specific velocity on the road below; this can all be predicted and explained quite methodically. The active choice of another human to risk her life to rescue the driver of the car is a phenomenon that cannot be predicted assuredly. Therefore, everything that matters is born in the human mind and carried out with the human spirit - not as a scientific equation that logically progresses throughout millenia in Xs and Ys born in some "big bang" at the beginning of time. The actual big bang occurs every day in the synapses journeyed in our minds and the profound capacities of our hearts to have some immeasurable impact on the world. Furthermore, the very American (although assuredly not exclusively) belief in a Creator, rather than sheer happenstance or marriage to incontrovertible scientific proof, has an impact on our world - through human choices in morality and purpose - that should not be understated. Indeed, everything that matters lies not in what has been proven or can be predicted with certainty, but rather in the unforeseen actions by capricious and inspired creatures and all that we affect throughout the courses of our given lifetimes.