Monday, April 21, 2014

What Makes a Better Story

If a man has no story, he hasn't lived a life at all.

I have never been a great storyteller; I forget pertinent details, lose track of where I am going, and often build up to not much of a finale. Of course, that doesn't bode well for you finishing this post. Luckily, I have pictures! However, it should be noted that the most important story we tell is with our lives. You should be wary of the person who has many stories to tell while sitting idly. I really don't know how one lives without putting himself out there - to see the world, to get to know its people, to make mistakes, to accomplish, and to be judged.

My most recent trip was from California to Las Vegas for my friend Stefanie's wedding. As it turns out, this country has many roads, and I found myself in Mexico, Texas, Alabama, and Washington, DC before I made it home 16 days later. Among the beauty I witnessed were blue skies, a black starry night, old friends, kind strangers, three of the sweetest nieces a guy could hope for, and fish tacos (always bring your passport!). Just to make it interesting, I made the whole car journey without music. Whaaaaaat? I did it once before on my motorcycle, and it really forces you to think, so I tried it again. Here are just some of what I discovered along the way:
My Friend Gin and Me at Lunch in Alabama

Me and the Bride
Mississippi Field

Arizona Sunset
Cross-Country Train

Fish Tacos in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

Me and My Friend Christine in Dallas

Mississippi River
Sunset Over Louisiana

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