Tuesday, September 1, 2009

We Can't Drive 55

For some reason, Sammy Hagar didn't get the memo that I would be in NORTH Carolina for my birthday, as he booked a show in South Carolina for that evening. So I went. Quite a somber day in that both Senator Ted Kennedy and Michael Jackson were laid to rest, the latter of whom on what would have been his 51st birthday. John McCain (his birthday too) attended the funeral for the former. We're used to celebrating separately since Neverland is no longer an option. Waffle House was an easy choice for the first meal of the day - best hash browns I've had - and then I made my way to Myrtle Beach. 
 Sammy Hagar now plays with the band Chickenfoot, having enlisted Joe Satriani on guitar, bassist Michael Anthony from Van Halen, and the drummer from the Red Hot Chili Peppers. After a few involuntary detours, I found my way to House of Blues for the show a bit late. However, all was right with the world when I got inside and was about 20 yards from the band. They rocked... no Van Halen tunes, but still a great show. If you've forgotten what good solid new hard rock sounds like, check them out. Oh, and thanks to Google Maps, my hotel that was supposedly right next to the club is actually seven miles away. One of these days I'll actually see what this Myrtle Beach is all about. Trip Day Two took me through northern South Carolina. Just inches from escaping to I-95, the local po-lice tried to shake me down. Nothing quite ruins your day of driving like a speeding ticket, but I did manage to evade capture.

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