Saturday, August 7, 2010


The message of the week seems to be about friends.

Where ever you go you have the opportunity to come in contact with people.  If you're lucky, you'll find some quality people.  If you are very lucky, those people will still be with you forty years from now.  The key is what you give; the key is who you are.  Humility and generosity are the mark of a true friend.  If you are the same person to everyone you meet, in public and in private, you are genuine.  If you hold the people around you in high esteem, you are valuable.  If you act in a way that is noble and true, you are trustworthy.  If there is no doubt to your motives, your heart is pure.  If those around you feel that they are a pleasure to be around, you are a friend.  I have been fortunate to keep some great friends in many locations.  Due to the circumstances of this week, I was shown the life of a great man through the eyes of his friends.  Although it was no great surprise, it was an honor to behold the treasure of a life well spent... and made rich by bonds nurtured over decades.  May we all find such a treasure.

Rest in Peace - Ernest Samuel Moeller
November 22, 1944 - August 1, 2010

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