Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Turkish Delight

Much like Zaytinya's interpretation of the famed treat that is a national treasure - Turkish Delight, many things in this world are often different in reality than in the imagination, or even first impression. I suppose that is part of the exhilaration of travel; it is a unique insight into alternative realities. This world is made up of so many cultures, traditions, and ideas about life in general, yet all are intertwined in a giant web of coexistence. The point is that despite all of the world's forces of language, religion, politics, and power - barriers to international harmony - we are all more alike than we are led to believe. It is this universal truth that I discover time and time again no matter where I go. Unfortunately, there is always the competing human force that is divide and conquer. It is blatantly clear that this is rampant in American politics, as well, no doubt throughout the world and throughout human history. It is pretty much everywhere. People will often use ignorance as an opportunity and fear as a tool. I do not pretend to offer a remedy, however you may care to settle for a simple insight - be not afraid; scratch the surface and don't settle for first impressions or someone else's version of the truth. You might find something really great.

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